Top Causes of Gas Leaks and How to Prevent Them?

Sings of gas leaks

Detect Signs of Gas Leaks In The Air Conditioner  

Refrigerant is the lifeblood of your air conditioner. It is the substance that enables the entire refrigeration process to work because of its ability to quickly change states. It can easily transition between liquid and gaseous states. In the compressor, pressure turns the refrigerator into a hot gas and then it moves through the coil and releases heat. The cooled gas then passes through the expansion valve that further releases pressure and turns the refrigerant into a cool liquid. This cool liquid evaporates in the coil and absorbs heat. The cooled air is sent into the home’s ventilation system.  

If a gas leak occurs, it can cause the system to not properly.

Some of the most common signs of a gas leak include: 

  • Air conditioner not blowing cool air
  • Frozen condenser coils
  • Hissing sounds from the indoor unit
  • Air conditioner not cooling properly
  • Air conditioner working harder to cool 
  • The air conditioner won’t shut off
  • Weird chloroform-like smell
  • Unusually high energy bills

What causes gas leaks? 


Repeated and continuous exposure to fluorides present in water and cleaning agents can cause pitting corrosion wherein holes or cavities are created in the material. The ions in the chloride and fluoride can attack the coil and cause gas leakage. There is another type of corrosion known as formicary corrosion which occurs in copper coils and is caused by a chemical reaction containing water, oxygen, and an organic acid such as formic acid.  

Wear and tear 

Wear and tear of the air conditioner units is a common cause of leaks. Over time, the rubber seals on the valves can wear and cause leaks. The outdoor system and the assembly joints can rust. These leaks are often hard to spot. In most cases, replacing the worn parts can fix the leak but sometimes, major repairs may be needed. 

Damage to refrigerant lines 

The refrigerant lines are responsible for circulating the gas to and from the evaporator and the condenser. Any defect or damage in the pipes can cause gas leakage. The pipes that are running through the outdoor walls are more susceptible to damage.  

Poorly soldered fitting controls 

Soldering issues are a common reason behind gas leaks. A gas leak can occur when solder is improperly melted causing cold joints. Similarly, when an overheated joint is incorrectly fixed, it can lead to gas leaks. An HVAC technician can easily fix this issue.  

Improper installation of the unit 

An improper installation of the air conditioner unit can cause a refrigerant leak. It can be due to incorrect fitting of components that allow the gas to escape.  

Can you prevent gas leaks in your air conditioner?  

The only way to prevent gas leaks is by taking good care of your air conditioner. Regular maintenance of your air conditioner by professionals is the key to preventing all kinds of issues including gas leaks. During preventive maintenance, the HVAC professionals thoroughly examine the system and identify any small issues that can turn into something major over time.  

Preventive maintenance once every six months can keep all your air conditioner components in good working order and prevent wear and tear of the unit. As a part of scheduled maintenance, the technicians will clean the system and fix any issues so that your air conditioner works efficiently at all times.  

Also, make sure you do not attempt any DIY repairs to your air conditioner. A gas leak can be dangerous and repairs are best left to professionals. Taking swift action by contacting a professional is crucial to ensure your home’s safety. Trust our experts for quick and reliable gas leak solutions. Get in touch with us to schedule an appointment.