Why Fall Is The Best Time For Scheduled Furnace Maintenance?

furnace maintenance

Most people don’t think about importance of scheduled maintenance, until a heater breakdown leaves them struggling through a chilly and sleepless night. The best and easiest way to prevent sudden breakdown is scheduled maintenance of your equipment. Furnace maintenance at the right time can prevent you from any discomfort resulting from sudden breakdowns.

It helps identify small issues that can turn bigger at a later stage and necessitate more expensive repairs. It also ensures that your furnace works at its peak efficiency when you need it the most. Most experts recommend that scheduled furnace maintenance should be carried out in fall. Here is why.  

 Avoid the Winter Rush 

Fall is the best time to schedule furnace maintenance because it helps beat the winter rush. Most people keep waiting for the first winter night to hit before they call a professional to check their furnace. Also, many people realize that there is something wrong with their furnace only after they try to start it after all these months. So, you should try and be ahead of the crowd.  

Be ready when the cold weather hits 

Scheduling your furnace maintenance in wall will ensure that your furnace is fully prepared to work through the long winter months. The last thing you want is your furnace to give up when the cold weather strikes.  properly. A tune-up ensures that there are no surprises and that your heater is ready to serve you when you need it.  

Save you from costly repairs

Fall maintenance can save you from the hassle of unplanned breakdown and expensive repairs. Small issues can lead to serious damage that is much more expensive than scheduled maintenance. During a scheduled tune-up the technicians will identify small issues and repair them on the spot.  

Prolongs the life of your furnace: Scheduled tune-ups of your furnace every fall can increase its lifespan by 30% or more. On the other hand, if not maintained properly, your furnace would not even last a decade and will require frequent repairs. If you compare the cost of scheduled maintenance to the cost of replacing your unit, you would realize how worthwhile annual tune-ups are.  

Reduced energy usage

Through annual maintenance, you can keep your furnace up-to-date and this will ensure that it runs as smoothly and efficiently as possible. There will be no build-up that could affect the system performance. Fall maintenance will keep your furnace running at peak efficiency and keep energy consumption to a minimum.  

Improved comfort

During winters, especially in the holiday season when you have your family and friends around, you want to ensure that everyone is comfortable. This means you need a properly functioning heating system. The best way to ensure this is through scheduled tune-ups.   

Increases safety

Dirty or damaged furnace parts can be a safety hazard. Fires and carbon monoxide leaks are the biggest risks posed by a damaged furnace. Regular maintenance of your heating equipment can ensure your family’s safety.  

Protects warranty

Every piece of equipment, including your furnace, comes with a warranty. However, sometimes, the manufacturer adds a clause that the unit must be professionally maintained for the warranty to remain in force. So, it is important to read the fine print and ensure that you are doing everything correctly to retain the warranty.  

You might not be in a position to afford any inconveniences suddenly, and pre-preparation is always the key to avoiding such situations. If you are looking to save time, money, and energy this winter, schedule preventive maintenance for your furnace now. Call us now to know more about what is included in our preventive maintenance plans.