What Is AC Short Cycling And How To Avoid It?

AC short cycling

Short cycling means that the cooling cycle on our air conditioning unit is shorter than it should be. Normally, when the weather is hot, it should last 10 minutes and then stop for 10 minutes. However, on cooler days, it could be longer. AC short cycling disrupts this pattern.

When the cycle is short, your AC’s compressor would turn on and off more frequently. This puts excessive strain on the compressor and increases wear and tear on the entire air conditioning unit. 

If you notice that your AC is turning itself on and off constantly, it could mean that it is short cycling. When this happens, you should immediately have your unit checked by a trained HVAC professional otherwise, it can lead to complete AC failure.  

Top cause of AC short cycling 

Dirty or clogged air filters 

This is the most common cause of AC short cycling. When the air filters are clogged, it does not allow the passage of fresh air. This can cause the air conditioner to overheat and it may switch off before completing the full cycle. You can replace this problem by simply cleaning the filters regularly and replacing them when required.  

Oversized air conditioning unit 

A larger AC does not necessarily mean better performance. The size of the AC should be based on the cooling needs of the space. An oversized AC would reach the desired temperature too quickly and it will turn off quickly after turning on. The system will not get enough time to reduce humidity. It will also consume more energy.  

Frozen evaporator coils 

Your air conditioning system moves heat by circulating refrigerant through a series of coils. In the evaporator coils, the refrigerant absorbs heat from the surrounding air. They cannot do their job effectively if their surface is covered in frost or dirt. This can cause the components to overheat and the air conditioning unit may turn off on its own to prevent damage.

Frozen evaporator coils can lead to short cycling. The best thing to do is to switch the system off to allow the ice to melt and then wipe off the moisture before turning the AC back on.  

Refrigerant leaks 

When the refrigerant levels are too low, the air conditioning unit has to work harder to achieve the desired temperature. This also causes overheating, which can lead to frequent turning on and off of the air conditioner.  

Failing compressor 

When a failing compressor is not able to stay on for a longer period of time, it may start to short cycle. Short cycling can cause further damage to the compressor so timely repairs are necessary.  

Miscalibrated thermostat 

A miscalibrated thermostat will not gauge the temperature correctly and this can cause the unit to switch on and off more frequently or at incorrect times. Faulty/miscalibrated thermostat can put a lot of strain on the system.  

Leaky air ducts 

Leaky air ducts pull air inside from the outside or the basement. This causes the air conditioning system to work harder to maintain the indoor temperature. This will also lead to short cycling and higher energy bills.  

Electrical issues 

Issues with control boards and wiring can also cause short cycling. These issues can only be correctly identified and rectified by technicians. 

AC short cycling can cause frustration, discomfort, and higher energy bills. If your AC is short cycling, you should immediately call a professional for help. You may try changing the filters or defrosting the evaporator coils and see if that solves the problem. If it does not help, schedule a visit by an HVAC technician immediately.  

If you are noticing issues with your AC contact our team of experts and they will take of it.